“Whiskey And Cigarettes Show” Welcomes Featured Artist Danny McMahon
Whiskey and Cigarettes Country Radio Show is happy to announce the airing of their exclusive interview with Featured Artist, Danny McMahon. Mr. McMahaon joined award-winning host, Nik Bernitz Pizzigoni, to talk about his latest single, the #2 iTunes hit, “Best Worst Habit.” The interview with Danny McMahon will air this coming Sunday, December 13th, 2020, between 11am ET-3pm ET. The live show …
Not Just The “Same Routine”: Exclusive Interview with Varro Vivyds
Varro Vivyds is a Bay Area native who creatively captures her emotions and writes them in such a way where the audience will experience them too. Varro’s melody work will have her songs playing in your head during the day and keeping you up at night. She has the ability to stay fresh in a world where the listener feels …