Xander Demos Interviewed By San Antonio Examiner, Jay Nanda

Metal shredmaster, Xander Demos was recently interviewed by San Antonio Examiner, Jay Nanda. His article just posted to the Examiner.com website, and you can read it HERE. Find out what James Rivera, frontman for Helstar and Sabbath Judas Sabbath, had to say about his bandmate. Also, find out why Xander decided to cover “Boys Of Summer” on his Guitarcadia CD. …

Josey Milner On The Courtney Wilson Show This Thursday Afternoon

This Thursday at 2pm ET, teen country princess, Josey Milner will be the guest on the Courtney Wilson Show. Their pre-recorded conversation will air on 1st Guard Radio and Blog Talk Radio at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/1stguardradio/2013/02/14/the-courtney-wilson-show. Josey will be discussing her anti-bullying crusade and her new single, “Not Pretty Enough.” Broadcast from the 1st Guard studios in Venice, Florida, legendary Courtney Wilson …

Doug Briney Is “In The Neon Spotlight” Tomorrow

Tomorrow at 1:30pm ET/12:30pm CT, Alaskan Cowboy, Doug Briney will join host Sam Watkins “In The Neon Spotlight” for an exclusive Blog Talk Radio interview. Find out about Doug’s latest album, It’s All Country, his upcoming recording sessions, and his plans for a move to Nashville! Join Doug and Sam tomorrow at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/samwatkinsrocks fr an unforgettable conversation. “In The Neon …

Xander Demos On Conversations Live This Monday

Be sure to tune in Monday at 6pm ET to catch Xander Demos on Conversations LIVE with host, Cyrus Webb. You are invited to tune in LIVE on Blog Talk Radio at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/conversationslive. Conversations LIVE! is an interactive way for those in entertainment and the arts to come together to discuss whatever unites them in life. Conversations also addresses current …