Western Avenue: The Ricky Lee Potts Interview

Canadian country trio, Western Avenue was recently interviewed by freelance writer, designer and author, Ricky Lee Potts. Ricky starts by saying, “I am pumped to introduce you to Western Avenue. I can’t wait to share their story with you. Man, these guys are good!” Read the entire interview at http://bit.ly/1bL1AMl. Be sure to leave a comment, too!

Doug Briney Will Guest On Kim Power Stilson’s SiriusXM Radio Show This Wednesday Afternoon

This Wednesday afternoon, at 3pm ET/2pm CT, award-winning country music artist, Doug Briney will guest on the Kim Power Stilson show. Doug is busy promoting his brand new album with Tate Music Group, Super Country Cowboy. The album, just released two weeks ago, recently charted on the itunes Inspirational charts. Listeners can tune in on SiriusXM 143 BYU Radio.

Western Avenue Rockin’ Doc Radio Interview Rescheduled For This Saturday

This Saturday, November 14th, Western Avenue will take over the airwaves on Rockin’ Doc Radio. One of the bandmembers will be joining host, DJ Tanya Pittman aka Black Velvetar. This interview is re-scheduled from November 2nd. Listen live at 3pm ET at http://www.rockindocradio.com/. The band will be talking about their recent success with “Wherever You Are,” and their plans for …

Matt Williams From Western Avenue Guests On Amy Arkawy’s Show Friday, Latest “Get Behind Me” Podcast

This Friday, November 15th at 12noon ET, Matt Williams, from Canadian pop-country act, WESTERN AVENUE will be the guest on the Amy Beth Arkawy Show. Join Matt and Ms. Arkawy, as they discuss Western Avenue’s first US single, “Wherever You Are,” now playing on country radio everywhere! Hear the broadcast LIVE at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/amybetharkawyshow. You can call in and speak with …

Whiskey And Cigarettes Show Welcomes Platinum-selling Grammy Award Winner, David Ball, This Sunday

MTS Management Group and Whiskey And Cigarettes Country Radio Show are pleased to announce the airing of DJ Nik Pizzigoni’s interview with Platinum-selling, Grammy Award-winning country artist, David Ball. Mr. Ball is promoting his work with Operation Troop Aid and talking about his career highlights, which include 14 Billboard Country Chart hits. The exclusive interview will air this coming November …

Xander Demos And Josey Milner Guest On “It’s All Geek To Me” Thursday

This coming Thursday, November 14th, metal shredmaster, Xander Demos and teen country sensation, Josey Milner will be the guests on the It’s All Geek To Me show. Xander, who is fresh off his Rock Harvest II performance, will be promoting his latest single release, “Dancing Through Daggers.” Josey is busy promoting her new single, “Cowgirls.” Tune in to the show …

Jiggley Jones: The Ricky Lee Potts Interview

Americana singer/songwriter, Jiggley Jones was recently interviewed by freelance writer, designer and author, Ricky Lee Potts. Ricky begins by saying, “I love country music. Not the crap that is on the radio, but the stuff that comes from the heart. Country music is about the lyrics and about how I can relate to the stories being told. That is what …