Jiggley Jones: The “Got Interviews” Interview

Americana singer/songwriter and 2-time New Music Award nominee, Jiggley Jones recently spoke with Got Interviews about the recording of his latest album and more. Here’s an excerpt: Got Interviews: There are some people who aren’t exactly up to date on the definitions of all musical genres, can you explain what Americana music is? And what difference it has with mainstream …

Western Avenue’s Nikki English Visits “Somewhere In Vegas” This Monday

On Monday, Nikki English from Canadian country trio, Western Avenue will be calling in for an appearance on “Somewhere in Vegas.” Host MarQ will welcome Nikki, starting at 4pm ET/3pm CT. Listeners can tune in live at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/somewhereinvegas. Hear all about the success of the band’s debut US single, “Wherever You Are” and their Nashville Universe Awards nomination. “Somewhere in …

Josey Milner: The “Lucky Ones” Interview

Josey Milner was recently interviewed by Cassie Paton, for her column, “The Lucky Ones.” Here’s an excerpt from their conversation: Cassie Paton: “You’ve worked alongside some pretty big names in the studio at such a young age. How does that feel? And what was it like working with them?” Josey Milner: “It is amazing and intimidating all at once. It …

Doug Briney And Josey Milner Guest On Warrior Rock Radio This Sunday

This Sunday, Jan 26th, MTS country artists, Doug Briney and Josey Milner will be the guests on Warrior Rock Radio. Host, Ryan Harmon will be airing pre-recorded interviews with both, beginning at 8pm ET/7pm CT. So, be sure to tune in, to hear the latest news from Doug and Josey. http://warriorrockradio.listen2myradio.com/ The show will also be re-broadcast on college radio, …