AMARU is an internationally acclaimed award-winning independent recording artist, a trained actor, a published author, a filmmaker, a photographer and a model.
He made his TV debut in his native country on a current affairs high school quiz of which he was the captain. Moving to Europe in the early nineties and inspired by the sight of his favorite actor Denzel Washington on television inspired AMARU to pursue acting in addition to music! He studied acting in Los Angeles, U.S.A. and in Amsterdam, The Netherlands for about 8 years and he has amassed numerous acting credits in film, television, commercials and print.
He released his first musical project “AMARU: The First EP” in 2008 and while the acting gigs kept coming, AMARU was eager to return to music and in 2014 he did just that, resulting in the synth driven Pop/R&B track “I’m The One You Need”, for which he wrote lyrics in English and Spanish, sang all the vocals and co-produced the track.
He released his second musical project, his debut album “Champagne Attitude” in May 2018. AMARU refers to this project as an eclectic collection of “Adult Contemporary Pop Music With A Dash Of Latin Soul”.
In December 2020 AMARU made his debut as an author by releasing his cookbook “AMARU COOKS – A Touch Of Suriname Through Food & Anecdotes”, a project he had been working on in secret since 2015! The book is available worldwide and specifically at Barnes & Noble and Walmart in the US, among some.
Currently AMARU is working on his second album. The lead single and video “Traces Of My Melanin” was released on Juneteenth 2023.
Hi Amaru! So great to catch up with you. What’s new in your world, and how have you recovered from the turmoil of the COVID pandemic?
Michael! It’s been way too long! Let’s jump right into it! Speaking of this darn pandemic… While it brought us a truck load of mayhem, it has also brought me some much needed time to reflect and sort of take stock of my life, if you will. It has also given me the time to finish working on my cookbook, which I actually started to write way back in 2015, by the way! In addition to that I have had some friends who have lost loved ones due to this pandemic. But seriously, the world has become a completely different place on all levels… people are beyond sensitive about everything, you can’t wear skinny jeans as a guy anymore, because somebody is offended that they can see your bulge… If they think I’m going to stop wearing them to please them, they’re sadly mistaken! I mean, the idiocy that has become planet Earth… As if I’m complaining about big breasts or buttocks that are barely covered with fabric… But I digress! I am doing fine and as always I have been very, very busy!
You have a fantastic new single out, “Traces of my Melanin!” Please share your inspiration for the song and how it has been received. Any critics out there?
Yes, my new single “Traces Of My Melanin” is out, I released it on Juneteenth of this year and it took me a little over a year to put everything together. I’m talking writing the lyrics and the music, producing the music with my long time musical partner Marcel van Ling, shooting the video… It was a big project, but I had to do it for a number of reasons. In my song writing I always try to convey a message and when I started to write this song, I wanted it to be something different. It all started with the words “traces of my melanin” and immediately I thought to myself “this is a lyric!” Didn’t pay it any mind, but then days after that I heard a melody playing in my head and I started to sing the words along with the melody. Sat myself down to explore and I decided that I was going to honor my ancestors in one way or another. Then I saw an article online about the many inventions by Black people and that was it: the subject matter for my new song was there and within hours my new song was born.
“Traces Of My Melanin” is an homage to the many people that have paved the way for me and many like me, so that we can enjoy the freedom that we enjoy today. I don’t believe in division, so that’s not what the song is about. In fact, the song is about reflection, education, respect and above all LOVE. And that is something we need a hell of a lot more of on this planet. I hope I’ve done the legacy of the ancestors justice, Lord knows I tried my very best.
The single and the video have been received very well, I have to say! In its first week on Spotify it raked in 11,500 streams and two weeks in the video has amassed over 12,000 views on Youtube. And the streams and views are still growing, so as an independent artist that is good news, if you can imagine! But I also believe that when you write from a place of honesty, the audience picks up on that.
As far as criticism is concerned, I haven’t had anything horrible written about the track so far, but I think we need (more) music like this. Not because I wrote such a song, but there is still a lot of racism and indifference about people of color in society… and for what, I ask you? Not too long ago, in fact weeks before the release of “Traces Of My Melanin” a Brazilian soccer player, who plays in Spain, was targeted and attacked for being Black, to the point where they decided to hang a brown blow up doll from an overpass, dressed in his soccer jersey… with all kinds of racist remarks written over the doll… All of this in 2023…! And the freaky thing is, in the music video for “Traces Of My Melanin”, which was already finished and ready to be distributed, I referenced that very situation, weeks before the incident with the soccer player was even broadcast on the news! And that is why I write these songs, because education is key! The lack of civility and respect in today’s society is what worries me the most, though…
The accompanying video is stunning! Tell us a little about the production, creation, and overall creative process behind the video.
As I mentioned earlier, the song is a tribute to my ancestors and other people of color and it took me a little over a year to put this whole thing together. I am originally from the Republic of Suriname, South America and on July 1st. 2023 we celebrated the 160th. anniversary of the abolition of slavery in my country. Juneteenth is also a very important date in American history and given the subject matter of “Traces Of My Melanin” it was imperative that the project would be finished and released on the 19th. of June or at the very last on July 1st. I shot some footage in Brazil back in 2022, I posted a couple of casting notices for the rest of the scenes, it was a lot of work! I wanted to make sure that the visuals matched the lyrical content and at the same time I wanted to make sure that the message was conveyed properly and with respect for the ones whose names I feature in the video.
In addition to all of that, with this project I found myself not only directing and doing camera work, I also had to do the editing and the rest of the post production, as my little team had been dismantled due to the pandemic. Luckily for me I was able to employ all of my other talents to make it work and I think I managed very well, if I say so myself!
We hear you’re currently working on another full length album. Can you share how far along you are in the process? What can listeners expect? Any favorites on it, so far? When do you expect to release it?
Michael… I am telling you… I am elated to report that the album is almost finished. I intended to release it on the 1st of July of this year, 2023, to coincide with the anniversary of the abolition of slavery in my native country… I mentioned that earlier too. However, Marcel is a very busy man and his work load was tremendous and I had to take that into consideration too, so I decided to postpone the release of my new album with a couple of months. That will give us a little bit more time to cross our T’s and dot our I’s, if you will. Because once the record is released, you can’t change anything anymore, as you may well know! But unlike my previous album “Champagne Attitude”, this new album is a much more cohesive record. The genre is definitely more R&B and Urban, featuring some spoken word, some World Music and funk!
We’ve used a lot of African and Indian percussion, for instance and as with all my music, I wrote, (co)produced and sang all the vocals! It’s funny, because I submitted “Traces Of My Melanin” for airplay to a radio station in New York and they complimented me and “the lady that does the backing vocals”… I fell on the floor laughing… I had to tell them that the “lady” was ME! LOL! Sidebar!
Listeners can expect an album that is well put together lyrically, vocally and production wise. I stand behind everything I release to the public and I spend a lot of time crafting my art and honing my skills. I don’t want to give too much away yet, but some of my favorite cuts are definitely “Traces Of My Melanin”, the opening number of the album “Help A Brotha Out” and “Frame”. I also wrote a dance track with Spanish lyrics, which is my gift to the LGBTQIA community, considering that I have a very large gay following. I have also written somewhat of a naughty, double entendre but fun ditty called “Macaxeira”, a very catchy urban/pop song with Portuguese lyrics. And if you wonder what ‘macaxeira’ means… look it up!
Word has it that you have been nominated for several upcoming awards. Can you tell us about this? What do awards and peer respect mean to you, as an artist? Would you rather receive critical praise, peer awards, or fan response? Why?
YES indeed! Well, before we get into that mishigas, last year I submitted some of my music for Grammy consideration… I didn’t receive any nomination, but at least I appeared on the ballot… right?! Anyway… so then I received the news that I am nominated in four categories at the ISSA Awards in Atlanta! I couldn’t believe it and as a result of that I will be attending the International Singer Songwriter Association awards in August of 2023. I will also be performing at the after party, so that’s something I’m quite looking forward too, since it will be my very first ever performance in the US!
My stance on winning awards is quite simple. An award should not be something you add too much value to. It is always nice to be recognized for the work that you do. In music we celebrate each other with music awards, but let’s not forget about the other professions that are so much more challenging where people are never celebrated for their efforts! But getting back to your question. I think the respect of my peers is equally as important as critical acclaim and the response of fans. All of that helps to shape you as an artist and you take from it what you can use to aid growth, all while trying to maintain your sanity and your humility.
BONUS QUESTION: What is your favorite recipe in your cookbook? Can you share it with us?
I swear, when we meet, I must come and cook you something, lol! You asked me this the last time we spoke too, if memory serves me right! I mentioned my cookbook earlier “AMARU COOKS – A Touch Of Suriname Through Food & Anecdotes”. To date it is the only Surinamese cookbook written in English, mind you and I am very proud to report that it is available worldwide at Barnes & Noble, Walmart and Bookshop, among some… a dream came true!
But one of my favorites is definitely my pepper steak with caramelized figs and mixed mushrooms on page 14! Man, what a feast! But many of the recipes from my native country are a hit with me, I’m not a picky eater. Food that is cooked properly and with love always wins! And it’s not just music that brings people together… food does too!
Thanks Amaru!! Best of luck with the new single and we’ll catch up soon!
Michael, you’ve been an absolute dream! Thank YOU!
For more information on Amaru, please visit http://www.amaru.nl