Vents Magazine Reviews Loomis/Whitney’s “The Banner Days”

The-Banner-Days-Cover-WEB_6Inches300DPI“In my opinion Whitney & Loomis are most comparable to Civil Wars. What’s more they are modern examples of classic alternative folk popular in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. I can hear acts like Chris and Thomas, Blind Pilot and Citizen Cope. Above all there is an underlying yearning love passion theme going on here. The musicianship is shall I say, off the chain. The vocal front from both Whitney and Loomis are gravitating. White really draws you in and I’m convinced both know what he’s doing behind a microphone. Another highlight for me is “My Beloved” which exemplifies their sound to a T. It’s got plenty of cool melodies and interesting lyrical content – but above all it shows just how they both masterfully navigate through this simplistic yet amazing writing style – while feeling very comfortable in their own skin. It makes for a great first impression.” – Ryan Cooley, Vents Magazine.  Read the entire review at