Josey Milner Guests On “Not So Soccer Mom” This Friday

nssmJOSEY MILNER will be up bright and early this Friday morning, when she guests on the Not So Soccer Mom Show. Host, Jill Hickey will talk with Josey LIVE at 10am ET/9am CT on Tune in, as Josey will talk about her anti-bullying campaign with Angels and Doves and her next single release. This interview was rescheduled from June 21, 2013.

Jill Hickey began writing “Jill’s Blog” — a ‘world according to Jill’ in 2005 as a way to keep up with family & friends after moving from the South to the Northeast. Her ‘blog’ launched the site in February 2009. In December 2009, her writing & unique voice landed her the “NotSoSoccerMom” radio shows & the spin-off show “Get Your Buzzz On” with co-host Josh Estrin. While hosting two online radio shows & writing, Jill is the mother of “The HickeyChicks”- 3 girls aged 14-10 & “Baby Patrick”, now 3. She is Jerry’s wife of 17.5 years & a Zumba fitness instructor.